
职 称:






1. 纳米结构金属薄膜/多层膜的变形与断裂

2. 高性能核燃料包壳金属涂层材料的研发及应用

3. 难熔高熵合金涂层的高温腐蚀氧化性能及热稳定性


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2. 国防科技工业核材料技术创新基金(J202109031)   2021.01-2021.12   主持

3. 中国博士后科学基金第66批面上资助(2019M663689)   2020.01-2021.12   主持

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[1] Y.Q. Wang, J.Y. Zhang, X.Q. Liang, K. Wu, G. Liu*, J. Sun*, Size- and constituent-dependent deformation mechanisms and strain rate sensitivity in nanolaminated crystalline Cu/amorphous Cu–Zr films, Acta Materialia 95 (2015) 132.

[2] Y.Q. Wang, J.Y. Zhang, K. Wu, G. Liu*, D. Kiener*, J. Sun*, Nanoindentation creep behavior of Cu–Zr metallic glass films, Materials Research Letters 6 (2018) 22.

[3] Y.Q. Wang, K. Wu, J.Y. Zhang*, G. Liu*, J. Sun*, Probing the size- and constituent-mediated mechanical properties and deformation behavior in crystalline/amorphous nanolaminates, Nanoscale 10 (2018) 21827.

[4] Y.Q. Wang, R. Fritz, D. Kiener*, J.Y. Zhang, G. Liu*, O. Kolednik, R. Pippan, J. Sun*, Fracture behavior and deformation mechanisms in nanolaminated crystalline/amorphous micro-cantilevers, Acta Materialia 180 (2019) 73.

[5] G.Y. Li#, Y.Q. Wang#, J.D. Zuo, M. Zhang, C. He, X. Feng, J.H. Luan, Y. Lu, J.Y. Zhang*, S. Cazottes, D. Kiener*, G. Liu*, J. Sun, Zr addition-dependent twin morphology evolution and strengthening response in nanostructured Al thin films, Materialia 16 (2021) 101076.

[6] Y.Q. Wang, J.D. Zuo, K. Wu, J.Y. Zhang*, G. Liu, J. Sun, Size effect on mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms of highly textured nanocrystalline Mo thin films, Materials Science and Engineering: A 816 (2021) 141323.

[7] J.D. Zuo, Y.Q. Wang*, K. Wu, J.Y. Zhang*, G. Liu, J. Sun*, Phase tailoring of Ta films via buffer layer-thickness controlling, Scripta Materialia 212 (2022) 114582.

[8] Y.F. Zhao, Y.Q. Wang*, K. Wu, J.Y. Zhang*, G. Liu*, J. Sun, Interface-affected mechanical properties and strengthening mechanisms in heterogeneous high entropy alloy nanolaminates, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 903 (2022) 163915.

[9] J.Y. Zhang, Y.Q. Wang, X.Q. Liang, F.L. Zeng, G. Liu*, J. Sun*, Size-dependent He-irradiated tolerance and plastic deformation of crystalline/amorphous Cu/Cu–Zr nanolaminates, Acta Materialia 92 (2015) 140.

[10] H.Z. Yuan, K. Wu*, J.Y. Zhang, Y.Q. Wang, G. Liu*, J. Sun*, Curvature-controlled wrinkling surfaces for friction, Advanced Materials 31 (2019) 1900933.


1. 王亚强, 肖珣, 张金钰, 吴凯, 刘刚, 孙军; 一种具有纳米多级结构的金属Cr涂层及其制备方法, 授权日期2022-02-11, 中国, 发明, ZL202110227118.8.

2. 张金钰, 安邦, 王亚强, 吴凯, 刘刚, 孙军; 一种多层Cr3Al/Zr薄膜的界面调控工艺, 授权日期2021-10-19, 中国, 发明, ZL202110093901.X.

3. 刘刚, 左家栋, 孙军, 王亚强, 张金钰, 吴凯; 一种AlN非晶薄膜及其制备方法, 授权日期2021-08-13, 中国, 发明, ZL202010117282.9.

4. 张金钰, 赵建拓, 王亚强, 吴凯, 刘刚, 孙军; 一种Cu-Ta合金及其制备方法, 授权日期2021-01-19, 中国, 发明, ZL201910458459.9.

5. 张金钰, 赵建拓, 王亚强, 吴凯, 刘刚, 孙军; 一种Cu-NbMoTaW合金及其制备方法, 授权日期2020-11-10, 中国, 发明, ZL201910458458.4.

6. 王亚强, 张金钰, 李晓格, 吴凯, 刘刚, 孙军; 一种铜镁合金及其制备方法, 授权日期2020-11-10, 中国, 发明, ZL201910457583.3.

7. 张金钰, 李光亚, 王亚强, 吴凯, 刘刚, 孙军; 一种纳米晶Al-Zr合金薄膜及其制备方法, 授权日期2020-06-19, 中国, 发明, ZL201910893972.0.