2020年11月-至今 Myball迈博体育官方网站手机版,Myball迈博体育官方网站手机版,助理教授
2020年8月-10月 上海交通大学,物理与天文公司,访问学者
长期致力于通过原子尺度的计算机模拟研究无序材料的微结构-性能关系。主要研究成果以第一作者发表于PNAS, PRL, J. Chem. Phys, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 等权威学术期刊。
[1]Zhen Zhang, Simona Ispas, and Walter Kob. Roughness and scaling properties of oxide glass surfaces at the nanoscale. Physical Review Letters. 126 (6), 066101 (2021).
[2] Zhen Zhang and Walter Kob. Revealing the three-dimensional structure of liquids using four-point correlation functions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 117, 14032 (2020).
[3] Zhen Zhang, Simona Ispas, and Walter Kob. Structure and vibrational properties of sodium silicate glass surfaces. The Journal of Chemical Physics 153, 124503 (2020).
[4] Zhen Zhang, Simona Ispas, and Walter Kob. The critical role of the interaction potential and simulation protocol for the structural and mechanical properties of sodosilicate glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 532, 119895 (2020)
[5] Zhen Zhang, Bing Xie, Wang Zhou, Jiang Diao, and Hongyi Li. Structural characterization of FeO-SiO2-V2O3 slags using molecular dynamics simulations and FTIR spectroscopy. ISIJ International 56, 828 (2016).