通过机器学习和理论物理模型两个方法,高志斌长期从事微观结构及其排列(堆垛)方式对材料电子输运和声子输运性质影响规律的研究。通过设计“井”字型晶格结构,首次发现平面负泊松比二维氧化硅材料,大大增强了二维集成电路和晶体管的力学稳定性与防碰撞能力;通过设计origami (kirigami) 折叠结构,首次实现连续可调节泊松比与记忆效应的双重功能,为包括双层转角石墨烯在内的二维材料与力学超材料中实现精确微操控提供了新策略与新方法;通过设计二维电子器件中金属电极与沟道间的异质结双层结构,克服了肖特基势垒与费米能级钉扎现象产生的接触电阻,实现了电子器件中欧姆接触和超高载流子迁移率的双重目标;通过在结构中引入光学声子与声学声子间的强散射,发现了超低晶格热导率的二维材料,为新型热电材料的设计与优化提供了新策略与新方向;通过设计新型二维硼烯结构,使电子与声子耦合系数高达1.95,提升了硼烯的超导转变温度。这些研究进一步加深了人们对材料表面现象背后真实物理与化学原理的理解,为今后从事此领域相关的理论研究与实验工作者提供了新的研究思路和研究方向。
截至2021年4月,高志斌在上述领域共发表SCI论文43篇,其中以一作/通讯发表24篇,包括Nano Lett., ACS Nano, Phys. Rev. B, Phys. Rev. Appl., Nanoscale, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces等期刊。被国际同行评价为:“set up a solid foundation”, “providing a new platform”, “effectively improved the performance”, “motivates a considerable fraction of research”, “opens up potential applications in thermoelectric devices”, “significantly limits Schottky barrier and increases its device performance”。
代表性论文(一作、通讯* 或共一#,详细列表请见个人主页)
1. Zhibin Gao*, Tao Zhu, Kangtai Sun, and Jian-Sheng Wang, Highly Anisotropic Thermoelectric Properties of Two-Dimensional As2Te3, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. In Press (2021)
2. Bing Lv, Xiaona Hu, Ning Wang, Song Jia, Xuefei Liu, and Zhibin Gao*, Thermal Transport Property of Novel Two-dimensional Nitride Phosphorus: an ab initio Study, Applied Surface Science In Press (2021)
3. Xuefei Liu, Zhaofu Zhang, Zhao Ding, Bing Lv, Zijiang Luo, Jian-Sheng Wang, Zhibin Gao*, Applied Surface Science 542, 148665 (2021)
4. Bing Lv, Xiaona Hu, Xuefei Liu, Zhaofu Zhang, Jia Song, Zijiang Luo, and Zhibin Gao*, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 22, 17833-17841 (2020)
5. Gang Liu*, Hui Wang, Zhibin Gao*, Guo-Ling Li, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 22, 16796-16803 (2020)
6. Jia Song, Luyu Wang, Liang Zhang*, Wenheng Wu, and Zhibin Gao*, First-principles molecular dynamics studying the solidification of Ti-6Al-4V alloy, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 315, 113606 (2020)
7. Mengyang Li, Kun Yuan*, Yaoxiao Zhao, Zhibin Gao*, Xiao Zhao*, A Novel Hyperbolic Two-Dimensional Carbon Material with an In-Plane Negative Poisson’s Ratio Behavior and Low-Gap Semiconductor Characteristics, ACS Omega, 5, 15783-15790 (2020)
8. Yelu He, Dingxing Liu, Yingchun Ding*, Jianhui Yang*, and Zhibin Gao*, Insights into thermal transport property of monolayer C4N3H: A first-principles study, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 124, 114241 (2020)
9. Zhibin Gao* and Jian-Sheng Wang, Thermoelectric Penta-Silicene with a High Room-Temperature Figure of Merit, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12, 14298-14307 (2020)
10. Gang Liu*, Zhibin Gao*, Guo-Ling Li, Hui Wang, Abnormally low thermal conductivity of 2D selenene: An ab initio study, Journal of Applied Physics 127, 065103 (2020)
11. Zhibin Gao*, Mengyang Li, Jian-Sheng Wang, Insight into Two-Dimensional Borophene: Five-Center Bond and Phonon-Mediated Superconductivity, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 11, 47279-47288 (2019)
12. Zhibin Gao*, Zhaofu Zhang, Gang Liu, Jian-Sheng Wang, Ultralow lattice thermal conductivity of monolayer penta-silicene and penta-germanene, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 21, 26033-26040 (2019)
13. Gang Liu#, Zhibin Gao#, Jie Ren*, Anisotropic thermal expansion and thermodynamic properties of monolayer β-Te, Phys. Rev. B 99, 195436 (2019)
14. Zhibin Gao, Zhixian Zhou, David Tomanek*, Degenerately Doped Transition Metal Dichalcogenides as Ohmic Homojunction Contacts to Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Semiconductors, ACS Nano 13, 5103-5111 (2019)
15. Gang Liu*, Zhibin Gao*, Jian Zhou, Strain Effects on the Mechanical Properties of Group-V Monolayers with Buckled Honeycomb Structures, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 112, 59-65 (2019)
16. Yi Wang#, Zhibin Gao#, Jun Zhou*, Ultralow lattice thermal conductivity and electronic properties of monolayer 1T phase semimetal SiTe2 and SnTe2, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 108, 53-59 (2019)
17. Zhibin Gao, Dan Liu, David Tománek*, Two-dimensional Mechanical Metamaterials with Unusual Poisson Ratio Behavior, Phys. Rev. Applied 10, 064039 (2018)
18. Zhibin Gao, Gang Liu*, and Jie Ren*, High Thermoelectric Performance in Two-Dimensional Tellurium: An Ab Initio Study, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10, 47, 40702-40709 (2018)
19. Zhibin Gao, Fang Tao, Jie Ren*, Unusually low thermal conductivity of atomically thin 2D tellurium, Nanoscale, 10, 12997-13003 (2018)
20. Zhibin Gao, Xiao Dong*, Nianbei Li, Jie Ren*, Novel Two-Dimensional Silicon Dioxide with in-plane Negative Poisson's Ratio, Nano Lett. 17, 772-777 (2017)
21. Zhibin Gao, Nianbei Li*, Baowen Li*, Stretch diffusion and heat conduction in one-dimensional nonlinear lattices, Phys. Rev. E 93, 032130 (2016)
22. Zhibin Gao, Nianbei Li*, Baowen Li*, Heat conduction and energy diffusion in momentum-conserving one-dimensional full-lattice ding-a-ling model, Phys. Rev. E 93, 022102 (2016)